Saturday, December 14, 2013

…the VSFS tradition...

I have posted before that we aren't really a "tradition" type of family.  We have our annual Pumpkin Patch Trip with the Petersmeyer's, we always put up our Christmas Trees on Thanksgiving night, and we have started the Elf on the Shelf yearly with our girls.  I would say those are "typical" traditions.  But here in the Owens homestead, we have a somewhat unusual family tradition.  We start getting excited around Thansksgiving and wait for mid-December for it to occur.   We set the DVR and wait for the first weekend night that we can all bundle up on the couch together to watch.  I am sure that we could be criticized for our parenting on this one, but seriously, we all love it just the same and ooh and aah and pick our favorites. 

It is this…

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!!!!!

The girls love to watch the Angels, and think nothing about the fact that they are for the most part in bras and panties.  We talk about how beautiful the women are, but also that not everyone looks like that.  When they say that they want to be an Angel when they grow up, we say we would support that. We talk about the creativity and how much work is put in to it.  And of course, there was Taylor Swift this year!  Who doesn't love her and think she is amazing?

We get that some people would find this type of tradition repulsive.  But for us, it is one of our favorite days of the year.  3 years strong!!!


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