Sunday, November 24, 2013 things...

like things.  I really like getting good deals on things.  And, I love samples.  

So, I thought I'd share some of the recent things that have given me gleeful moments:

1. Birchbox:  For 10 bucks a month, you get a fun little box of samples.  Dave thinks it's a horrible waste 
of money.  I say it's a fun and cheap way to try new things.  And who doesn't get excited by a mystery box??

My favorite was the liquid eyeliner and perfume sample!!

2.  Sevenly:  I recently was introduced to this awesome organization that sells different shirts and such every week and $7 from each purchase goes to that week's organization/cause of choice.  I hopped on the week that they were supporting anti-bullying campaigns.  So, I bought an awesome shirt, supported a great cause, and may have a new little "habit" of justifying purchases for the betterment of others.  Check it out!

3. Great deals at like these $29 scarves for $9 (scarf9 through 11/25) and this cute $48 shrug for $16 (molly16).  I may have bought only 1 scarf and gone back for 3 more, cause hey, who doesn't need 4 of the same scarf in different colors?!?!?!

4. Fisher Kids:  So, Dave and I both suck (well, really just me but sometimes it's cool to drag your spouse down with you...) at teaching our kids about basic finances.  So I came across this awesome little system that we are praying works.  

They also have a ton of other fun stuff, but this is the item that drew me in hook, line and sinker.  And I love that each Sunday is payday and they get a choice of how much to save, spend and give.  Bring on 2014 and teaching the Owens girls the value of a dollar!

Yay for fun things!!!!


Friday, November 22, 2013

...when things aren't easy...

Over the past couple of weeks I have been really turning to friends, my husband, my pastor and God for a lot of reassurance, pep talks and prayer time.  There is always the same theme: making it through the day.

  • "You've go this."
  • "It's going to get better."
  • "Dear God, please just help me make it through the day."  (ok, there is a little more to that one, but I am NOT a public prayer.  Unless you are 3, or one of my kids, you will never hear the utterance of a REAL prayer come out of my mouth.)
  • "Read these verses"
I know that no ones job is easy.  And I am not going to get in to any specifics... but dang, my job is giving me a run for my money.  I am emotionally drained, physically tense, and pretty much just  at a point where I am having to do some serious soul searching to figure out where I am or need to be in my career.

So, reality check.  Is anything easy?  I mean, really?  Because doesn't EVERYONE have their own thing going on?

Yeah, I'm struggling at work.  But..
  • I have a warm home to sleep in.
  • There is always food to eat.
  • I have an AMAZING little family of 4.
  • Everyone in my family is healthy.
  • I have a job that pays the bills.
  • Dave has a job that pays the bills.
  • Our girls are smart.
  • Our girls well behaved and have great manners.
  • I don't have to worry about how to pay for Christmas presents.
  • I grew up not knowing what divorce felt like.
  • I have never been beaten or abused.
  • I have a husband that buys me things I would never buy for myself.
  • I have true friends that love me and that I know I can count on for just about anything.
This is just a small list.  And ALL of these things are so much more important than any obstacles I am facing in my professional life.  :)


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

...a little motivation...

I kind of gave this up.  For no reason really, besides I seriously don't feel like I have the time.  But someone said to me on FB to not give up writing because they wished they had journaled when their kids were younger... And I had that moment.  That was the entire reason I started this to begin with.

And honestly, there are so many things I want my kids to know about me, and them, and us.  I decided last year when I started that I would print my blogs in to a book.  And, I think I still will.  And I am setting a goal for myself for 2014 to have 52 entries.  So that will be another book. And hopefully by then, a habit.

I have said before I am not a scrapbooker.  And I have a crap-ton of photos on my computer, but, that's where they stay.  So, I am also thinking about just making picture books too, of my favorites...with no words, just pics.  Because words take too much creativity. ;)

I am actually excited about the prospect of being back in the grind...and picking up reading other peoples blogs again too.  It's been too long, and I've missed out on way too much...
